NSF SAGE Facility IRISWS evalresp Web Service Documentation


The irisws-evalresp webservice evaluates instrument channel response metadata held in the IRIS-DMC database. The service outputs amplitude–phase Bode plots as well as ASCII text files.

Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.

Query Usage

/query? (channel-options) [time-option] [frequency-options] [units-options] [plots-options] (output-options)


channel-options		:: 	(net=<network>) (sta=<station>) (loc=<location>) (cha=<channel>)
time-option		:: 	[time=<time>]
frequency-options	::	[minfreq=<freq-Hz>] [maxfreq=<freq-Hz>] [nfreq=<number-of-frequencies>] 
units-options		:: 	[units=<def|dis|vel|acc>]
plot-options		:: 	[width=<pixels>] [height=<pixels>] [annotate=<true|false>]
output-options		:: 	(output=<fap|cs|plot|plot-amp|plot-phase>)
(..) required
[..] optional

Query parameters are joined by ampersands “&”, without blank space (see the sample queries).

Sample Queries

Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter

parameters examples discussion
net[work] IU Required Seismic network name
sta[tion] ANMO Required Seismic station name
loc[ation] 00 Required Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes
cha[nnel] BHZ Required Channel Code
time 2001-12-09T12:00:00 Evaluate the response at the given time.
If not specified, the current time is used.
See: Time Formats
minfreq 0.01 The minimum frequency (Hz) at which response will be evaluated.
Must be positive and less than the maxfreq value.
Defaults to 0.00001 Hz (1/day ~ 0.000012 Hz)
maxfreq 10.0 The maximum frequency (Hz) at which response will be evaluated.
Must be positive and greater than the minfreq value.
Defaults to the channel sample-rate or the frequency of sensitivity, whichever is larger.
nfreq 1000 Number frequencies at which response will be evaluated.
Must be a positive integer no greater than 10000.
The instrument response is evaluated on a equally spaced logarithmic scale.
Defaults to 200
units acc Optional — Outputs
def — default units indicated in response metadata
dis — converts to units of displacement
vel — converts to units of velocity
acc — converts to units of acceleration
If units are not specified, then the units will default to those indicated in the response metadata.
spacing linear Optional
lin, linear — linear spacing of evaluated frequencies
log, logarithmic — logarithmic spacing of evaluated frequencies
If spacing is not specified, then logarithmic will be used.
width 1000 The width of the generated plot. Defaults to 800.
Can only be used with the output=plot, output=plot-amp and output=plot-phase options.
Cannot be larger than 5000 and the product of width and height cannot be larger than 6,000,000
height 1000 The height of the generated plot. Defaults to 600.
Can only be used with the output=plot, output=plot-amp and output=plot-phase options
Cannot be larger than 5000 and the product of width and height cannot be larger than 6,000,000
annotate true Can be either true or false. Defaults to true.
Draws vertical lines at the Nyquist frequency (one half the sample rate).
Draws a vertical line at the stage-zero frequency of sensitivity.
Draws a horizontal line at the stage-zero gain.
Can only be used with the output=plot, output=plot-amp and output=plot-phase options.
output plot Required
Option — Outputs
fap — Three column ASCII (frequency, amplitude, phase)
cs — Three column ASCII (frequency, real, imaginary)
plot — Amplitude and phase plot
plot-amp — Amplitude only plot
plot-phase — Phase only plot


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service:


Date and Time Formats

Year, Month, Day in Month — Time:

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123

YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 a time of 00:00:00 is assumed


YYYY	:: four-digit year
MM	:: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD	:: two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
T	:: date-time separator
hh	:: two digits of hour (00 through 23) (AM/PM NOT allowed)
mm	:: two digits of minute (00 through 59)
ss	:: two digits of second (00 through 59)
ssssss	:: one to six digits representing decimal fractions of a second, down to microseconds

Problems with this service?

Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
We will address your issue as soon as possible.

IRISWS evalresp web service